We’re Off to a Good Start

Our first OB appointment was at 8 weeks (Jan 16th), and it is an understatement to say we went in pretty clueless.

When the doctor approached me with a HUGE dildo-looking instrument to perform the transvaginal (re: up-the-hooha) ultrasound, we did not realize that was a thing (doctor-dildos OR transvaginal ultrasounds). Movies always show the ultrasound with goo on the belly, and it’s safe to say that everything we know about the medical side of pregnancy comes from movies. (But like, well-researched movies such as Knocked Up.)

When the doctor asked me to scoot down and spread my legs wide, Eric, who had been standing near my belly, quickly scurried toward the safety of my head like a frightened crab.


Everything in that gif is on point because I swear the sonogram tool was the size of that truck (and from what I hear, my vagina, at the end of all this, will resemble that tire).

Me: “I just have one request– please please only find ONE baby in there.”

Eric: “And I’ll take a Bitcoin if you see one!”

Doctor: 733.gif

So yeah our doctor hates us.


1 thought on “We’re Off to a Good Start

  1. That doctor dildo is scary, but what is scarier is the thing they use to open up the cervix. God, I just crossed my legs…


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